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黄体杨1 钟志龙1 金文杰2

(1.云南大学历史与档案学院,云南昆明,650091 ;2.富滇银行股份有限公司,云南昆明,650011)

摘 要:人类建立、收集和管理与个人有关的档案已具有广泛的实践基础,现代档案学围绕人事档案、名人档案和私人档案等形成了一系列相对独立的理论知识与方法体系。文章以“个人生命周期形成的档案整体”为逻辑起点,将与个人有关的档案视为一个整体性概念进行讨论,发现可以形成以个人为中心的内容来源观,为不同类型个人档案之间的互证互补、互相转化的管理现实找到合理的理论依据,为推进不同类型的个人档案管理业务规则的融合发现了恰当的理论突破口,为面向社会开展作为整体的个人档案现象的宣传和教育以及提升全社会的档案素养、实现个人与社会记忆的有效留存提供良好契机。



Personal Archives and its Management as a Whole Concept: Connotation, Logic and Value

1.Huang Tiyang, 1.Zhong Zhilong, 2.Jin Wenjie

(1.School of History and Archives of Yunnan University, Kunming,Yunnan, 650091; 2.Fudian Bank Co., Ltd, Kunming, Yunnan, 650011)

Abstract:  There are widely practices for humans to collect, arrange and access personalrelated archives, and modern archival science had been forming a series of independent theoretical knowledges and methods around personnel archives, family archives, personal fonds and personal archiving, but it is not noticed to Implement the integrated research from the special provenance of individuals. Taking "the whole archives formed in the individual life cycle" as a logical starting point, this paper regards personal archives and its management as a whole concept for theoretical discussion. And the paper finds that it can form a personal-centered viewpoints of content provenance, which provides a reasonable theoretical basis for the management reality of mutual verification, complementarity and transformation between different types of personal archives, seeks to the appropriate theoretical breakthrough for promoting the integration of different types of personal archives management business rules, and provide a good opportunity for carring out the publicity and education of the personal-centered archives phenomenon as a whole for the society, enhancing the archival literacy of the whole society, eventually realizing the effective retention of personal and social memories.

Keywords: Personal Archives; Personnel Archives; Personage Archives; Private Archives

*本文系2018 年度云南省教育厅科学研究基项目“实践导向的个人档案管理理论研究”(项目编号:2018JS895)阶段性研究成果。


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