  • 信息时间:2022-11-17 10:49
  • 浏览次数: 48

赵 跃 孙寒晗


摘 要:档案外展是兴起于欧美国家的一项档案服务活动,具有外展主体与对象广泛、外展形式多样、外展组织过程有针对性等特点。自20 世纪50年代至今,国外档案外展的探索与实践经历了孕育萌芽、奠定基础、拥抱网络、日新月异四个发展阶段,并逐渐形成教育导向的档案外展服务、面向社群的档案外展服务和基于社交媒体的档案外展服务三大核心议题。文章认为,在后机构改革时代,我国档案机构可以吸收国外档案外展服务的经验,从外展意识、外展内容、外展方式等方面着手,确定档案外展的基本实践要点,做到意识先行,重视受众需求导向;内容为本,深挖档案机构馆藏;技术为路,推广拉近公众距离。



Foreign Research and Practice Progress of Archival Outreach

Zhao Yue, Sun Hanhan

(School of Public Administration of Sichuan University, Chengdu, Sichuan, 610065)

Abstract: Archival outreach is a kind of archival services that grew up in American and European countries. It has the characteristics of a wide range of subjects and objects, diverse forms, and a targeted organizational process. Since the 1950s, the exploration and practice of foreign archival outreach has experienced four development stages, including “starting the gestation”, “laying thefoundation”, “embracing the Internet”, and “fast-changing phase”. It has also gradually formed three core topics, consisting of education-oriented archival outreach, archival outreach for communities and social media-based archival outreach. The article believes that in the post-institutional reformera, archival institutions in China can absorb the useful experience of foreign archival outreach to determine the key points of practice from the aspects of outreach awareness, outreach content, and outreach methods. To be more specific, archival institutions have to establish the user-centered awareness and attach significance to the needs of audience; be content-oriented by digging deep into the collection; treat information technology as the way to promote and narrow the public distance.

Keywords: Archival Outreach; Archival Service; Public Archives

*本文系2020 年度国家社科基金项目“面向‘三化融合’的非遗档案资源建设多元协同模式研究”(项目编号:20CTQ034)阶段性研究成果。
