  • 信息时间:2022-11-17 10:38
  • 浏览次数: 81

闫 静 刘洋洋


  摘 要:作为记录社会发展的一种原始性记忆符号或叙事媒介,档案对身份认同的作用机制呈现出一体两面的趋势:一是通过记忆建构,维系与重建身份认同;二是通过记忆消解,抹去与隐藏个体差异。而档案对身份认同的作用机制又与记忆和遗忘相伴相生,即档案选择性记忆以建构身份认同,同时选择性遗忘以消解身份认同。如今,身份认同话语从权力神坛转向更广泛的个体语境,这对档案事业提出了新诉求,即构建一个全景的档案世界,尊重个性、包容差异。



Identity Paradox in Archives :

the Functional and Internal Mechanism of Archives to Identity

Yan Jing,Liu Yangyang

(School of History and Culture of Shandong University, Ji’nan, Shandong, 250100)

      Abstract : As a primitive memory symbol or narrative medium to record the social development,the functional mechanism of archives to identity presents a trend of two sides, one is to construct,maintain and reconstruct identity through memory, the other is to eliminate, erase and hide individual

difference through memory. The functional mechanism of archives to identity is accompanied by memory and oblivion, through remembering or forgetting selectively to construct or to dispel identity.Nowadays, identity discourse has changed from a power shrine to a broader context of individuality,which puts forward a new demand of building a panoramic archival world, respecting for individuality and admitting various differences for the archival undertaking.

      Keywords: Archival value;Identity;Memory;Oblivion;Selective Mechanism

